Educators’ Centre Association


Since 1993, the Educators’ Centre Association, based in Pécs, Hungary, has been a formidable force in promoting community engagement and democratization through its operations under the House of Civic Communities. It serves as a hub for nearly 80 civil organizations focused on fostering an inclusive and equitable society.
NHE is dedicated to ensuring equal opportunities in public policies and practices, supporting the social integration of disadvantaged groups, and advocating for human rights. Their efforts are geared towards creating an open and diverse society where solidarity, tolerance, and active citizenship are paramount.
  • Community Building: Manages the House of Civic Communities, which is central to community engagement and collaboration.
  • Education and Advocacy: Focuses on nonformal Adult Learning Education (ALE), including workshops and training that address human rights, social inequalities, and more.
  • Award Recognition: Played a pivotal role in Pécs receiving the UNESCO Learning City Award in 2017, reflecting decades of effective community work and development.
With a longstanding commitment to local and global community development, NHE remains a cornerstone in cultivating educational, social, green, and artistic initiatives. Their work with local stakeholders like universities, municipal authorities, and grassroots movements has significantly contributed to public service and civic functions.
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