Stichting ABC


Stichting ABC stands as the unique voice for low-literate individuals in the Netherlands, championing the needs of those with foundational education yet struggle with basic literacy and digital skills.
Dedicated to amplifying the voices of low-literates to ensure their active participation in society, Stichting ABC employs a volunteer-driven approach, utilizing 150 language ambassadors to influence policy and public perception.
  • Advocacy and Representation: Focuses on making low-literates’ concerns heard by politicians and policymakers.
  • Community Empowerment: Organizes meetings for language ambassadors to share experiences and learn from each other, fostering a supportive network.
  • Clear Communication: Tests and refines communication tools to ensure accessibility and clarity for low-literate individuals.
Stichting ABC is committed to breaking down barriers for low-literate individuals, ensuring they have the tools and support needed to navigate and succeed in modern society.
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