Ireland’s National Adult Learning Organisation


AONTAS, the national voice for adult learning in Ireland, acts as a pivotal umbrella body dedicated to expanding and enhancing learning opportunities for adults. With its robust network and strategic initiatives, AONTAS actively promotes a diverse range of educational pathways within the newly restructured educational system.
Committed to elevating the profile and status of adult and community education, AONTAS focuses on two primary objectives that guide their actions: enhancing accessibility to learning opportunities and ensuring effective communication and advocacy for adult education.
  • Advocacy and Promotion: Works to increase the visibility and credibility of adult education programs through targeted advocacy and promotional activities.
  • Strategic Communication: Has developed a comprehensive communications strategy to ensure clear messaging and broad dissemination of their initiatives to reach the widest possible audience.
AONTAS is dedicated to making adult education accessible and respected, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to learn and grow throughout their lives, thereby contributing to societal development and personal fulfillment.
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