European network of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)

SOLIDAR Foundation

SOLIDAR Foundation, a European network of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) with a global influence, is dedicated to advancing social justice through just transitions in Europe and worldwide. It operates as a learning hub for the network, focusing on lifelong and life-wide learning for democratic participation.

The Foundation champions active citizenship by engaging its members and partners in EU decision-making processes. It strengthens democratic engagement through lifelong learning initiatives and robust advocacy, ensuring that the voices of citizens are heard at EU institutions.

  • Policy Advocacy: Engages in lobbying, collective action projects, policy monitoring, and research to influence EU policies.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Works in close collaboration with progressive civil society, labour movements, and is a founding member of the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) and Civil Society Europe (CSE).
  • Empowerment through Education: Empowers individuals and communities by promoting access to education and training across all ages and backgrounds.
SOLIDAR Foundation is committed to fostering a just society where all citizens can participate actively and effectively in shaping their futures through enhanced educational opportunities and strong advocacy efforts.
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