Swiss Federation for Adult Learning


SVEB acts as the premier umbrella organization for adult education and lifelong learning across Switzerland, representing a broad network of private and state institutions, associations, and educators at various levels.
The organization is dedicated to fostering collaboration among adult education entities and increasing public engagement with lifelong learning concepts. By supporting a wide array of educational stakeholders, SVEB enhances the quality and reach of adult education nationwide.
  • Nationwide Representation: Advocates for adult education needs at cantonal and national levels, coordinating with various institutions and personnel managers.
  • Public Awareness: Works to elevate the profile of lifelong learning through public campaigns and advocacy efforts.
  • Member Support: Provides resources, training, and guidance to its members to aid in the effective delivery of adult education programs.
SVEB is committed to enhancing the accessibility and effectiveness of adult education in Switzerland, promoting lifelong learning as a vital component of personal and professional development.
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